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Service Description: Date of Image(s):
Pre-fire images taken on 12/01/24, 12/06/24, 12/18/24, and 12/26/24. Post-fire images taken on 1/10/25 and 1/12/25.
Date of Next Image:
Another iteration of this product can be made available following additional suitable Sentinel-2 overpasses of the area.
This is a binary burned area product that identifies areas that burned during a fire and has a spatial resolution of 20m. The product was developed using data from Sentinel-2 and VIIRS. For Sentinel-2, we compute the 75th percentile of the relative difference normalized burn ratio index (RdNBR) using Sentinel-2 NIR (8a) and SWIR (12) bands following Miller and Thode, 2006. Burn severity is classified into high, moderate, low, and unchanged based on the computed RdNBR. For VIIRS, we aggregate all active fire detections within the area of interest and apply a 375m buffer around the center of each active fire detection. To be counted as burned in our binary burned area product, a 20-m grid cell must have either an RdNBR of moderate or high, or it must have an RdNBR of low and fall inside of a VIIRS active fire detection.
Suggested Usage:
The product is a given as a shapefile where all points inside the polygons are considered burned and all points outside the polygons are considered unburned.
Sentinel-2 and VIIRS
20 meters
E.B. Wiggins, E.M. Gargulinski, and N. Rosenthal
NASA LaRC and Kettle Reinsurance Company
Esri REST Endpoint:
See URL section on right side of page
WMS Endpoint:
Data Download:
Map Name: Palisades_Binary_Burn
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Description: Date of Image(s): Pre-fire images taken on 12/01/24, 12/06/24, 12/18/24, and 12/26/24. Post-fire images taken on 1/10/25 and 1/12/25.Date of Next Image:Another iteration of this product can be made available following additional suitable Sentinel-2 overpasses of the area.Summary:This is a binary burned area product that identifies areas that burned during a fire and has a spatial resolution of 20m. The product was developed using data from Sentinel-2 and VIIRS. For Sentinel-2, we compute the 75th percentile of the relative difference normalized burn ratio index (RdNBR) using Sentinel-2 NIR (8a) and SWIR (12) bands following Miller and Thode, 2006. Burn severity is classified into high, moderate, low, and unchanged based on the computed RdNBR. For VIIRS, we aggregate all active fire detections within the area of interest and apply a 375m buffer around the center of each active fire detection. To be counted as burned in our binary burned area product, a 20-m grid cell must have either an RdNBR of moderate or high, or it must have an RdNBR of low and fall inside of a VIIRS active fire detection.Suggested Usage:The product is a given as a shapefile where all points inside the polygons are considered burned and all points outside the polygons are considered unburned.Satellite/Sensor:Sentinel-2 and VIIRSResolution: 20 metersCredits:E.B. Wiggins, E.M. Gargulinski, and N. Rosenthal NASA LaRC and Kettle Reinsurance CompanyContact: Elizabeth.b.wiggins@nasa.govEsri REST Endpoint:See URL section on right side of pageWMS Endpoint: Download:
Service Item Id: d5b17b37b5f44017844bb36f9093ea79
Copyright Text: E.B. Wiggins, E.M. Gargulinski, and N. Rosenthal NASA LaRC and Kettle Reinsurance Company
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -118.65209054192556
YMin: 34.028216603234966
XMax: -118.52362605412699
YMax: 34.1416963735839
Spatial Reference: 4326
Full Extent:
XMin: -118.68864927295077
YMin: 34.027104984111986
XMax: -118.01005457228781
YMax: 34.25167456328431
Spatial Reference: 4326
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: Binary burned area product (Sentinel-2 & VIIRS)
Comments: Date of Image(s): Pre-fire images taken on 12/01/24, 12/06/24, 12/18/24, and 12/26/24. Post-fire images taken on 1/10/25 and 1/12/25. File names are as follows:COPERNICUS/S2/20241201T184649_20241201T184646_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20241206T184751_20241206T184751_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20241218T183709_20241218T183708_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20241221T184709_20241221T185320_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20241226T184811_20241226T184806_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20250110T184649_20250110T185419_T11SLTCOPERNICUS/S2/20250112T183731_20250112T183727_T11SLTDate of Next Image:Another iteration of this product can be made available following additional suitable Sentinel-2 overpasses of the area.Summary:This is a binary burned area product that identifies areas that burned during a fire and has a spatial resolution of 20m. The product was developed using data from Sentinel-2 and VIIRS. For Sentinel-2, we compute the 75th percentile of the relative difference normalized burn ratio index (RdNBR) using Sentinel-2 NIR (8a) and SWIR (12) bands following Miller and Thode, 2006. Burn severity is classified into high, moderate, low, and unchanged based on the computed RdNBR. For VIIRS, we aggregate all active fire detections within the area of interest and apply a 375m buffer around the center of each active fire detection. To be counted as burned in our binary burned area product, a 20-m grid cell must have either an RdNBR of moderate or high, or it must have an RdNBR of low and fall inside of a VIIRS active fire detection.Date(s) and time(s) covered: This product identifies burned areas in the Palisades fire up until 1/12/25.Suggested Usage:The product is a given as a shapefile where all points inside the polygons are considered burned and all points outside the polygons are considered unburned.Satellite/Sensor/Resolution:Sentinel-2 and VIIRSSpatial resolution of the product: 20mCredits:E.B. Wiggins, E.M. Gargulinski, and N. Rosenthal NASA LaRC and Kettle Reinsurance CompanyContact: Elizabeth.b.wiggins@nasa.govEsri REST Endpoint:See URL section on right side of pageWMS Endpoint:Data Download:
Subject: Binary burned area product (Sentinel-2 & VIIRS)
Keywords: Sentinel-2,ESA,VIIRS,NASA,NASA Disasters Program,California,Wildfires,2025,Burned Area
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
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Dynamic Layer
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