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california_wildfires_202501/aviris_dnbr (MapServer)

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Airborne Survey - flown on an as-possible basis, currently unknown if another flight will occur.


This product shows burn severity computed from the Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) for each pixel. The NBR is computed from spectral bands centered on 866 nm and 2198 nm measured by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s latest Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-3). The change in NBR between pre-fire and post-fire imagery results in the dNBR index.

Suggested Use

The product estimates the level of burn severity for each pixel. The dNBR index is commonly used in vegetated areas, so urban surfaces may have errant solutions. Coverage of burned areas in this product is limited by the availability of pre-fire AVIRIS-3 imagery.


The ground spatial resolution is approximately 3.2-m for the imagery covering the Eaton Fire and 3.2-m for the Palisades Fire. Flights occurred on 09/05/2024 and 01/16/2025.

The dNBR burn severity levels are classified by colors. Green is unburned (dNBR < 0.1), yellow is low severity (0.1 < dNBR < 0.27), orange is moderate-low severity (0.27 < dNBR < 0.44), red is moderate-high severity (0.44 < dNBR < 0.66), and brown is high severity (dNBR > 0.66).

Raw data are available for download here:


Megan Ward-Baranyay

POC - Philip Brodrick;


AVIRIS-3 Radiance Data: Eckert, R., D.R. Thompson, A.M. Chlus, J.W. Chapman, M. Eastwood, M. Bernas, S. Geier, M. Helmlinger, D. Keymeulen, E. Liggett, S. Nadgauda, L.M. Rios, L.A. Shaw, W. Olson-Duvall, P.G. Brodrick, and R.O. Green. 2024. AVIRIS-3 L1B Calibrated Radiance, Facility Instrument Collection. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

AVIRIS-3 Reflectance Data: Brodrick, P.G., A.M. Chlus, U.N. Bohn, E. Greenberg, J. Montgomery, J.W. Chapman, M. Eastwood, S.R. Lundeen, R. Eckert, W. Olson-Duvall, D.R. Thompson, and R.O. Green. 2025. AVIRIS-3 L2A Orthocorrected Surface Reflectance, Facility Instrument Collection. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Esri REST Endpoint:

See URL to the right.

Map Name: aviris_dnbr


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Layers: Description: Date of image(s)09/05/202401/16/2025Date of next imageAirborne Survey - flown on an as-possible basis, currently unknown if another flight will occur.SummaryThis product shows burn severity computed from the Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) for each pixel. The NBR is computed from spectral bands centered on 866 nm and 2198 nm measured by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s latest Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS-3). The change in NBR between pre-fire and post-fire imagery results in the dNBR index.Suggested UseThe product estimates the level of burn severity for each pixel. The dNBR index is commonly used in vegetated areas, so urban surfaces may have errant solutions. Coverage of burned areas in this product is limited by the availability of pre-fire AVIRIS-3 imagery.ResolutionThe ground spatial resolution is approximately 3.2-m for the imagery covering the Eaton Fire and 3.2-m for the Palisades Fire. Flights occurred on 09/05/2024 and 01/16/2025.The dNBR burn severity levels are classified by colors. Green is unburned (dNBR < 0.1), yellow is low severity (0.1 < dNBR < 0.27), orange is moderate-low severity (0.27 < dNBR < 0.44), red is moderate-high severity (0.44 < dNBR < 0.66), and brown is high severity (dNBR > 0.66).Raw data are available for download here: Ward-BaranyayPOC - Philip Brodrick; philip.brodrick@jpl.nasa.govCitation:AVIRIS-3 Radiance Data: Eckert, R., D.R. Thompson, A.M. Chlus, J.W. Chapman, M. Eastwood, M. Bernas, S. Geier, M. Helmlinger, D. Keymeulen, E. Liggett, S. Nadgauda, L.M. Rios, L.A. Shaw, W. Olson-Duvall, P.G. Brodrick, and R.O. Green. 2024. AVIRIS-3 L1B Calibrated Radiance, Facility Instrument Collection. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Reflectance Data: Brodrick, P.G., A.M. Chlus, U.N. Bohn, E. Greenberg, J. Montgomery, J.W. Chapman, M. Eastwood, S.R. Lundeen, R. Eckert, W. Olson-Duvall, D.R. Thompson, and R.O. Green. 2025. AVIRIS-3 L2A Orthocorrected Surface Reflectance, Facility Instrument Collection. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. REST Endpoint:See URL to the right.

Service Item Id: 04c4fe9e4e0e4b0daa492eeda83e8eb1

Copyright Text: Megan Ward-Baranyay POC - Philip Brodrick;

Spatial Reference: 32611  (32611)

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Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

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