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hurricane_helene_2024/aria_dist (MapServer)

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Service Description:

Date of Images:

10/2/2024 at 16:11 UTC (12:11 PM EDT)


The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) and Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA) teams at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology derived the disturbance maps using the OPERA Disturbance Alert from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (DIST-ALERT-HLS) products.

The results posted here are preliminary and unvalidated results, primarily intended to aid the field response and people who want to have a rough first look at the surface disturbance extent. The ARIA-share website has always focused on posting preliminary results as fast as possible for disaster response.


The Disturbance product (DIST) maps per pixel vegetation disturbance (specifically, vegetation cover loss) from the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) scenes. We provide the vegetation disturbance status (VEG-DIST-STATUS) and the maximum vegetation anomaly value (VEG-ANOM-MAX) layers. Images are provided from October 2, 2024. Each image consists of multiple MGRS tiles that were merged together for a composite image saved as a GeoTIFF file.


Indication of vegetation cover loss (vegetation disturbance). The status label is based on the maximum anomaly value, confidence level, and whether it is ongoing or finished. "First" means the pixel has had an anomaly detection but no subsequent observations whether anomalous or not. "Provisional" means there have been two consecutive disturbance detections but not yet high confidence. "Confirmed" means that vegetation disturbance is detected with high confidence. The label "finished" is applied to confirmed disturbances that have had two consecutive no-anomaly observations or one 15 days or more after the last anomaly detection. If a new disturbance is detected, it will overwrite those in a "finished" state. These labels are reported for both above and below the 50% disturbance threshold based on the maximum anomaly value.


Difference between historical and current year observed vegetation cover at the date of maximum decrease (vegetation loss of 0-100%). This layer can be used to threshold vegetation disturbance per a given sensitivity (e.g. disturbance of >20% vegetation cover loss). The sum of the historical percent vegetation and the anomaly value will be the vegetation cover estimate for the current year.

The DSWx-S1 products have these flags:

250 (light gray) and 251 (dark gray) represent HAND and layover/shadow masks, respectively.

Suggested Use:


  • 0-100: Maximum loss of percent vegetation

  • 255: No data


  • 0: No disturbance

  • 1: first <50%

  • 2: provisional <50%

  • 3: confirmed <50%

  • 4: first >50%

  • 5: provisional >50%

  • 6: confirmed >50%

  • 7: confirmed <50%, finished

  • 8: confirmed >50%, finished

  • 255: No data


MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) on European Space Agency's (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellites


30 meters



The product contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024) and is produced as part of the OPERA project, which is funded by NASA to address remote sensing needs identified by the Satellite Needs Working Group. Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, OPERA funds and manages the DIST-ALERT-HLS product developed and produced by the Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) laboratory at the University of Maryland.

Additional Information:

OPERA DSWx-S1 data availability

The post-processed products are available to download at

The OPERA DIST-HLS products have been in production since January 2022, are freely distributed to the public via NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), and can be downloaded through NASA's Earthdata search. For more information about the Surface Disturbance product suite, please refer to the DIST Product page:

For more information about the Caltech-JPL ARIA project, visit

For more information about the JPL OPERA project, visit

Data Download:

Esri REST Endpoint:

See URL section on right side of page

WMS Endpoint:

Map Name: aria_dist


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Layers: Description: Date of Images:10/2/2024 at 16:11 UTC (12:11 PM EDT)Summary:The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) and Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA) teams at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and California Institute of Technology derived the disturbance maps using the OPERA Disturbance Alert from Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (DIST-ALERT-HLS) products. The results posted here are preliminary and unvalidated results, primarily intended to aid the field response and people who want to have a rough first look at the surface disturbance extent. The ARIA-share website has always focused on posting preliminary results as fast as possible for disaster response.OPERA DIST-ALERT-HLSThe Disturbance product (DIST) maps per pixel vegetation disturbance (specifically, vegetation cover loss) from the Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) scenes. We provide the vegetation disturbance status (VEG-DIST-STATUS) and the maximum vegetation anomaly value (VEG-ANOM-MAX) layers. Images are provided from October 2, 2024. Each image consists of multiple MGRS tiles that were merged together for a composite image saved as a GeoTIFF file.VEG-DIST-STATUSIndication of vegetation cover loss (vegetation disturbance). The status label is based on the maximum anomaly value, confidence level, and whether it is ongoing or finished. "First" means the pixel has had an anomaly detection but no subsequent observations whether anomalous or not. "Provisional" means there have been two consecutive disturbance detections but not yet high confidence. "Confirmed" means that vegetation disturbance is detected with high confidence. The label "finished" is applied to confirmed disturbances that have had two consecutive no-anomaly observations or one 15 days or more after the last anomaly detection. If a new disturbance is detected, it will overwrite those in a "finished" state. These labels are reported for both above and below the 50% disturbance threshold based on the maximum anomaly value.VEG-ANOM-MAXDifference between historical and current year observed vegetation cover at the date of maximum decrease (vegetation loss of 0-100%). This layer can be used to threshold vegetation disturbance per a given sensitivity (e.g. disturbance of >20% vegetation cover loss). The sum of the historical percent vegetation and the anomaly value will be the vegetation cover estimate for the current year.The DSWx-S1 products have these flags:250 (light gray) and 251 (dark gray) represent HAND and layover/shadow masks, respectively.Suggested Use:VEG-ANOM-MAX0-100: Maximum loss of percent vegetation 255: No data VEG-DIST-STATUS:0: No disturbance 1: first <50% 2: provisional <50% 3: confirmed <50% 4: first >50% 5: provisional >50% 6: confirmed >50% 7: confirmed <50%, finished 8: confirmed >50%, finished 255: No data Satellite/Sensor:MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) on European Space Agency's (ESA) Copernicus Sentinel-2A satellitesResolution:30 metersCredits:NASA JPL-Caltech ARIA/OPERA TeamThe product contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2024) and is produced as part of the OPERA project, which is funded by NASA to address remote sensing needs identified by the Satellite Needs Working Group. Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, OPERA funds and manages the DIST-ALERT-HLS product developed and produced by the Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) laboratory at the University of Maryland.Additional Information:OPERA DSWx-S1 data availabilityThe post-processed products are available to download at The OPERA DIST-HLS products have been in production since January 2022, are freely distributed to the public via NASA's Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), and can be downloaded through NASA's Earthdata search. For more information about the Surface Disturbance product suite, please refer to the DIST Product page: more information about the Caltech-JPL ARIA project, visit For more information about the JPL OPERA project, visit Data Download: Esri REST Endpoint:See URL section on right side of pageWMS Endpoint:

Service Item Id: 63e9137d9229467987bff85b9fb00c9b

Copyright Text: NASA JPL-Caltech ARIA/OPERA Team

Spatial Reference: 32617  (32617)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

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