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None Expected
This PlanetScope imagery captured by Planet Labs Inc. on September 30, 2022 shows the impacts from Hurricane Ian across Florida.
The true Color RGB provides a product of how the surface would look to the naked eye from space. The True Color RGB is produced using the 3 visible wavelength bands (red, green, and blue) from the respective sensor. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
The color infrared image is created using the near-infrared, red, and green channels from the Planet instrument allowing for the ability to see areas impacted from the hurricane. The near-infrared gives the ability to see through thin clouds. Healthy vegetation is shown as red, water is in blue.
Suggested Use:
True Color:
True Color RGB provides a product of how the surface would look to the naked eye from space. The True Color RGB is produced using the 3 visible wavelength bands (red, green, and blue) from the respective sensor. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
Color Infrared:
A false color composite depicts healthy vegetation as red, water as blue. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
3 meters
NASA Disasters Program, Includes copyrighted material of Planet Labs PBC. All rights reserved.
Esri REST Endpoint:
See URL section on right side of page
WMS Endpoint:
Date of Images:
Date of Next Image:
None Expected
This PlanetScope imagery captured by Planet Labs Inc. on September 30, 2022 shows the impacts from Hurricane Ian across Florida.
The true Color RGB provides a product of how the surface would look to the naked eye from space. The True Color RGB is produced using the 3 visible wavelength bands (red, green, and blue) from the respective sensor. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
The color infrared image is created using the near-infrared, red, and green channels from the Planet instrument allowing for the ability to see areas impacted from the hurricane. The near-infrared gives the ability to see through thin clouds. Healthy vegetation is shown as red, water is in blue.
Suggested Use:
True Color:
True Color RGB provides a product of how the surface would look to the naked eye from space. The True Color RGB is produced using the 3 visible wavelength bands (red, green, and blue) from the respective sensor. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
Color Infrared:
A false color composite depicts healthy vegetation as red, water as blue. Some minor atmospheric corrections have occurred.
3 meters
NASA Disasters Program, Includes copyrighted material of Planet Labs PBC. All rights reserved.
Esri REST Endpoint:
See URL section on right side of page
WMS Endpoint: