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texas_flood_202405/planet_waterextents (MapServer)

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Service Description:

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Date of Next Image:



Scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center created these water extents on May 5, 20224 using PlanetScope imagery. These images can be used to see where open water is visible at the time of the satellite overpass. This product shows all water detected and differentiates between normal water areas and some flooded areas. This product was classified using WorldCover.

It's important to note that all flooded areas may not be captured do to the sensors limitations of not being able to "see" through vegetation and buildings. To determine where additional flooding may have occurred, combine this layer with other data sets.

Suggested Use:

This product shows water that is detected by the sensor with different colors indicating different land cover/land use classifications from WorldCover that appear to have water and are potentially flooded.

Blue (1): Known Water

Red (2): Flooded Developed

Green (3): Flooded Vegetation

Orange (4): Flooded Cropland/Grassland

Gray (5): Clouds/Cloud Shadow

(0): No Data




3 meters


NASA Disasters Program, Includes copyrighted material of Planet Labs PBC. All rights reserved.

Esri REST Endpoint:

See URL section on the right side of page.

WMS Endpoint:

Data Download:

Map Name: planet_waterextents


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Date of Images:


Date of Next Image:



Scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center created these water extents on May 5, 20224 using PlanetScope imagery. These images can be used to see where open water is visible at the time of the satellite overpass. This product shows all water detected and differentiates between normal water areas and some flooded areas. This product was classified using WorldCover.

It's important to note that all flooded areas may not be captured do to the sensors limitations of not being able to "see" through vegetation and buildings. To determine where additional flooding may have occurred, combine this layer with other data sets.

Suggested Use:

This product shows water that is detected by the sensor with different colors indicating different land cover/land use classifications from WorldCover that appear to have water and are potentially flooded.

Blue (1): Known Water

Red (2): Flooded Developed

Green (3): Flooded Vegetation

Orange (4): Flooded Cropland/Grassland

Gray (5): Clouds/Cloud Shadow

(0): No Data




3 meters


NASA Disasters Program, Includes copyrighted material of Planet Labs PBC. All rights reserved.

Esri REST Endpoint:

See URL section on the right side of page.

WMS Endpoint:

Data Download:

Service Item Id: e6a2eb6d2c5c4c259ac2e30444d8808e

Copyright Text: NASA Disasters Program, Includes copyrighted material of Planet Labs PBC. All rights reserved.

Spatial Reference: 32722  (32722)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

Resampling: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

MaxImageHeight: 4096

MaxImageWidth: 4096

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Supports Query Data Elements: true

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Child Resources:   Info   Dynamic Layer

Supported Operations:   Export Map   Identify   QueryLegends   QueryDomains   Find   Return Updates